Harlan Haskins
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Implementing a Simple Language in Haskell: Part 1
LISP is widely considered by academic-types as the original basis of good programming language design. It’s deceptively simple – nested expressions that recursively reduce to a value.
In my Programming Language Concepts class at RIT, we spent time implementing common algorithms in a LISP-esque language called Impcore, made by Norman Ramsey, as a teaching tool. Impcore, though its syntax is derived from LISP, has very different semantics.
I had a lot of fun looking through the Impcore source and textbooks learning the syntax and operational semantics of Impcore.
So I decided to implement my own, called Letter, in a language that’s very well suited to recursive data structures: Haskell.
For reference, here is a simple factorial implementation in Letter:
(def fact(n)
(if (= n 0)
(* n (fact (- n 1))))
(let x (fact 8))
(print x)
(print (fact 10)))
Like any good language designer, I started by defining a grammar. Luckily, Impcore has a very understandable grammar, so I borrowed heavily from their language definition.
The grammar I settled on is:
exp ::= (<exp-body>) ; A parenthesized expression
| <num>
| <id>
exp-body ::= let <id> <exp> ; A 'let' expression
| <id> <exp>* ; A function call
fun-def ::= (def <id> (<id>*) <exp>)
num ::= 0-9
alpha ::= a-z | A-Z
id ::= <id-char>+
id-char ::= ? | ^ | * | + | = | <alpha>
| < | > | - | _ | <num>
Operational Semantics
Next, we need to define some kind of operational semantics for the possible permutations of elements in out language. Like any bad language designer, I did not do any mathematics or formalization of any operational semantics. Instead, I made an informal list of rules.
- The only type in Letter is machine integer.
- All expressions reduce to a numeric value.
- A
statement:- Declares an n-ary function with bindings to formal parameters.
- Must have one (and only one) expression inside.
- Is only valid at file scope.
- A
statement:- Wraps multiple expressions into one expression.
- Allows side-effects through the
statement. - Evaluates to the result of the last expression.
- Opens a new context for local variables. These variables are destroyed when the do statement is left.
- A
statement:- Yields the value from the expression it binds.
- Adds a binding to the enclosing environment.
- A
statement:- Evaluates its argument and prints it to
. - Yields the value from the expression it prints.
- Evaluates its argument and prints it to
- A function call:
- Looks up the function definition from the environment, throwing an error if it’s not found.
- Adds bindings in the environment in the order specified by the formal parameters of the definition.
Now that we have these semantics defined, we can implement the evaluation routines.
To represent our program, we’ll need a data structure to represent the language’s Abstract Syntax Tree. Since Letter is a nested language, we can easily represent it using a nested Haskell data structure.
data Exp = NExp Int
| Var String
| Let String Exp
| FunCall String [Exp]
deriving Show
You can see that this definition follows very closely to the grammar we defined earlier. That’s no accident – Haskell (really, ML)’s data type syntax is influenced by formal grammar definition.
Because Letter only has integer types, all expressions will reduce down to
a NExp
, which is the simplest expression which is still an Exp
. This is
useful, because we can pass variable bindings directly into functions by
ensuring all parameters are Exp
s in some form.
Next, we’ll need to determine a representation for functions. A function is
essentially just a single expression that has parameters that differ between
calls. We can implement this behavior by using Var
s inside the function
body and adding the relevant bindings when the function is called.
Functions are made by composing multiple other functions together.
Still, I need a way to give the language some basic functions that
can be used inside user-defined functions. To achieve this, I made a
type that has two possible cases.
data FunDef = UserFun [String] -- Formal Parameter Names
Exp -- Wrapped expression
| BuiltinFun (Maybe Int) -- Optional function arity
(Env -> [Exp] -> IO Exp) -- Wrapped function
First, a UserFun
. A UserFun
is exactly what we just described: A list of
formal parameters ([String]
), and a single expression that it evaluates to.
Then, a BuiltinFun
, which contains:
- an arity so we know how many arguments are required (or nothing if there’s no limit)
- a Haskell function that takes in an
(more on that later) and a list of expressions for arguments, and yields an expression in the IO Monad (ignore that, for now).
Now that we’ve discussed how the syntax is represented, let’s move on to how the language is evaluated.
Remember that, in our semantics, all expressions are evaluated to a single
integer? There are many places in the Exp
definition for nesting to happen,
so our evaluation function is necessarily going to be recursive.
Because Haskell is declarative, our recursive evaluation function essentially reads like the informal semantics defined above. Before I explain the details, I need to take a step back and talk about the Environment.
The Env
We need some context that stores the variables and functions that have been previously defined, so that newer expressions can use the previously declared values.
To do this, we need an environment that’s passed throughout the evaluation system that holds references to global variables.
data Env = Env
{ functions :: M.Map String FunDef
, globals :: M.Map String Exp
} deriving Show
The environment has two Map
s (Haskell’s fast hash table library) that store
functions and global expressions with String
keys. Thus, a variable reference
is just a single lookup, and a function call just means looking up the relevant
from the environment’s function table and executing it with the
provided arguments.
With that in mind, we can now start evaluating expressions. In Letter,
evaluation is a two step process: First we reduce the expression to an NExp
then we extract the Int inside.
Note: All these computations need to be wrapped in the IO Monad because one
function, the print
function, needs to be able to perform IO.
With that, let’s define the eval
function, which reduces and unwraps:
eval :: Env -> Exp -> IO Int
eval env (NExp n) = return n
eval env e = reduce env e >>= eval env
You can see that the recursive base case, the NExp, is just a simple pattern match that pulls out an Int, and the main case first reduces the expression then recurses with that reduced value.
The reduce
function contains all of the heavy lifting of Letter.
First, like before, define the base case. NExp
s pass through the function
reduce env n@(NExp _) = return n
Then we’ll handle each part of the Exp
and let
Remember that do
statements create a new scope and
wrap a list of expressions. To emulate this ‘new scope’, we just insert the
new binding into the environment and pass it along through the rest of the do
statement whenever we hit a ‘let’ statement.
Similarly, we have two possible cases for do
statements. Either you have one
expression inside or multiple expressions inside. If there’s just one
expression, then we evaluate that expression with the current environment, and
the do
is over. If there’s multiple, then we’ll evaluate the statement and
throw away its value, then recurse and evaluate the rest of the expressions
inside the do
We can implement do
as a BuiltinFun
with no arity (it’ll accept an infinite
number of arguments).
doFun = BuiltinFun Nothing doDef
doDef :: Env -> [Exp] -> IO Exp
doDef env [] = return $ NExp 0
doDef env [e] = reduce env e
doDef (Env fs gs) ((Let id e):es) = doDef (Env fs (M.insert id e gs)) es
doDef env (e:es) = do
_ <- reduce env e
doDef env es
Because Haskell is an immutable language, all the recursive calls to reduce
make a copy of the environment. Thus, when I say that I’m ‘adding’ a
definition to the environment, what I’m really saying is that nested
expressions will have this definition inside their environment. However, the
beauty of this construct is that once a do
has been evaluated, its
environment is destroyed, and the outer environment remains unmodified. Thus,
scoping to functions and do statements happens for free.
Variable lookups are very easy. Attempt to look up the given expression in the environment. If it’s found, then that’s the expression you’re looking for; just recurse with it. Otherwise, stop the program and print an error.
reduce env@(Env _ gs) (Var id) = do
let exp = M.lookup id gs
case exp of
Nothing -> error "Use of undeclared identifier \"" ++ id ++ "\""
(Just e) -> reduce env e
Function calls are another beast entirely. First, lookup the function just like a variable lookup, except in the function table in the environment. Then we’ll need to handle both types of function definitions. To do so, I defined a ‘call’ function:
reduce env@(Env fs _) (FunCall id args) = do
let exp = M.lookup id fs
case exp of
Nothing -> error $ "Use of undeclared function \"" ++ id ++ "\""
(Just e) -> call env id e args
call :: Env -> String -> FunDef -> [Exp] -> IO Exp
call env n (BuiltinFun arity f) args
| (length args) == arity = f env args
| otherwise = argsError n arity (length args)
call env@(Env fs gs) n (UserFun ns e) args
| length args == length ns = do
vals <- mapM (reduce env) args
let formals = M.fromList (zip ns vals)
reduce (Env fs (M.union formals gs)) e
| otherwise = argsError n (length ns) (length args)
argsError id f a = error $
"Invalid number of arguments to function \""
++ id ++ "\". Expected " ++ show f
++ ", got " ++ show a ++ "."
If you’re dealing with a builtin function, then make sure the arity matches the arguments they gave, and if so, just call the wrapped function.
If it’s a user-defined function, verify the arity by comparing the length of
the formal parameters with the supplied arguments, and if they match, add
bindings for those formal parameters into the environment and reduce the
expression inside the function. The expression’s variable bindings will now
resolve to NExp
s, and the function will execute successfully.
Builtin functions
Now that we have the evaluation semantics locked down, we’ll create an initial environment that all the functions can have access to.
To do that, I’ll make a wrapper function that transforms functions over Int
to be over Exp
binaryFun :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> FunDef
binaryFun f = BuiltinFun 2 $ \env (e1:e2:_) -> do
a <- eval env e1
b <- eval env e2
return (NExp $ f a b)
This means that I’ll be able to seed Letter with builtin functions that behave exactly like native Haskell functions.
I’ll also create functions for defining if
, print
, and check-expect
ifDef :: Env -> [Exp] -> IO Exp
ifDef env (e1:e2:e3:_) = do
a <- eval env e1
if a /= 0
then reduce env e2
else reduce env e3
printDef :: Env -> [Exp] -> IO Exp
printDef env (e:_) = do
val <- eval env e
print val
return (NExp val)
checkExpectDef :: Env -> [Exp] -> IO Exp
checkExpectDef env (e1:e2:_) = do
a <- eval env e1
b <- eval env e2
if a == b
then do
putStrLn $ "check-expect passed."
return $ NExp 0
else do
putStrLn $ "check-expect failed. Expected \"" ++ show a ++ "\", got \"" ++ show b ++ "\""
return $ NExp 0
boolify :: (Int -> Int -> Bool) -> (Int -> Int -> Int)
boolify f = \a b -> if f a b then 1 else 0
builtinFuns = M.fromList
[ ("+", binaryFun (+))
, ("*", binaryFun (*))
, ("-", binaryFun (-))
, ("/", binaryFun div)
, ("=", binaryFun (boolify (==)))
, (">", binaryFun (boolify (>)))
, ("<", binaryFun (boolify (<)))
, (">=", binaryFun (boolify (>=)))
, ("<=", binaryFun (boolify (<=)))
, ("/=", binaryFun (boolify (/=)))
, ("mod", binaryFun mod)
, ("if", BuiltinFun 3 ifDef)
, ("print", BuiltinFun 1 printDef)
, ("check-expect", BuiltinFun 2 checkExpectDef)
Now users have access to a nice ‘standard library’ of functions at their disposal.
If you’d like to take a look beforehand, you can check out the Repo on GitHub. The whole project is up there.
Next week I’ll tackle parsing the language and wrapping things up in a nice CLI.